Space Heroes: Kachow!

A friend and I had an idea for an all-ages space adventure series called Space Heroes: Kachow!. In college, I had a couple projects to do multi-page stories with my own script, so I took the opportunity to work with the characters and try my hand at it.

This first part is an attempt at a Chapter 1 for the series. We meet the crew and get the premise, and get a slight feel for the characters.

This next one takes place a bit later, Augy has a few missions under his belt and has built a reputation as a klutz with moments of accidental brilliance. This was inspired some by Paula Deen and her affinity for butter.

And then in a cover art design class, I imagined a slipcase for an Oni Press collected edition of the series.

Let me know what you think of the Space Heroes, I get more ideas every now and then...

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